Modere Catalog 2020 | Page 63

Any previous benefits are then lost .
Or so they were , before the advent of graywater reuse projects .
The first U . S . soil-biocompatible laundry detergent was developed in 1989 and the legalization of graywater in Santa Barbara shortly followed , igniting the trend to conserve water and reuse it in everything from public parks to personal gardens . And by May of 1991 , five other Californian cities legalized the recycling of graywater , further popularizing the innovative idea of wastewater reuse 1 .
What did these cities see in graywater ? A vision of green lawns and parks without wasting much-needed fresh water . The possibility of reduced water bills and less wastewater entering sewers 2 . And ultimately , an essential path to a better future for the environment .
Companies have caught wind of this growing environmental trend as well , and have begun producing whole product lines that are graywater-certified . At Modere , we are proud to be leading this movement with our graywater and biodegradable household product line .
We ’ ve specifically formulated Multi-Surface Cleaner , Dishwasher Gel , Dish Soap , Laundry Detergent , Laundry Powder and Fabric Softener without the harsh agents and residues that similar products tend to include . The result ? All of these products have been verified as readily biodegradable 3 and graywater safe 4 . Each has been tested through third-party verification and shown to reach full mineralization ( meaning they fully broke down ) in only 3 weeks , providing customers the opportunity to help preserve perfectly useful water with every product use .
So , where does the water ’ s journey ultimately lead ? In the end , it ’ s up to us . It can go on to be lost amid the presence of pollutants , residual botanical nutrients wasted away . Or , we can purposefully reuse this water as a resource for beneficial future possibilities .
1 .
Oasis Design . Graywater History . oasisdesign . net
2 .
Sustainable Earth Technologies . Graywater Treatment .
sustainable . com . au
3 .
Biodegradability testing according to OECD 310D protocol .
4 .
Graywater testing according to OECD 208 .
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