ModelStyle Magazine Special Swimsuit Issue July/Aug 2014 | Page 8

WhitE afTer LaBor dAy… WEAR IT! black WItH Brown… WEAR IT! Black with NaVy… WEAR IT! Pur e & sHoes Don’t matCh… WEAR IT! Pol a dOts wiTh StriPes… WEAR IT! BlACk in Spring/SuMmer… WEAR IT It’s Style by YOU! Founded by two professional women disenchanted with the mall options for great fabulous fashion products, BobbePin offers cutting edge women’s fashions and accessories. Bobbepin's mission is to provide great quality, great prices, and great service. BobbePin also likes to give back with a commitment to donating five percent of sales to charity. BobbePin’s mission is to showcase fashion products and designers who are changing the way audiences look at fashion through their commitment to ecological process and sustainable products, or because of their simplicity in design. BobbePin brings innovative and cutting edge fashion products to consumers, while reminding them that fashion can be fun. We came up with the original idea of selling only white blouses because we had the hardest time finding good quality & good prices. Anyway once we started our research we were approached by many designers to showcase their clothing. BobbePin just wanted to offer a variety of Indie designer QUALITY clothing at good price points, trying to stay under $100 is our goal. Visit: Contact infor