Kathryn Elizabeth Collection
I'm 20 years old was born and raised in San
Diego, the youngest out of 4 brothers and sister.
At the young age of 7 years old, I discovered my
love of sewing. With days spent working and reworking clothes for my Barbie’s as a young child,
I learned to use my grandmother’s sewing machine.
By the time I completed my senior year of high
school, I also completed my first collection that
was inspired by my love for the hippie generation.
Years later, upon returning from a trip to Paris
and London to visit fellow design students at the
Atelier Chandon Savard school in Paris, I knew
that my future collection was going to be inspired
by the British rocker flare of London. I am currently looking to fill in the gaps that I sees in the full
figure market and to be THE full figure designers
for real women with an edge.
My collection is a full figure collection for a 20-30
something female that is chic with a rocker-edge.
The artful combination of glamour and street inspired my collection. Women’s curves inspired
the construction and my love for color and a fight
against the phrase “black is slimming” affected
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