Sheila Johnson, also known as Sheila J in the fashion world. a model, actor,
blogger, model coach, fashion entrepreneur. a creative. Sheila has been modeling
for 5 years; when describing her life in modeling and the fashion industry. I love
increasing my skills and spreading my knowledge. Sheila is currently enrolled in
online schooling Ashford University for PR/ Marketing major and a double minor
in Entrepreneurship and Psychology. With plans to attend a masters
and PhD program there is nothing that will stop her from pursuing all of
her endeavors.
Sheila has modeled for New York Fashion week, as well as modeled for a lot of
print work. I have inspired many with the work that I produce when I am in front
of a camera; it's like a transformation. It inspires me doing what I do. I couldn't
think of anything else but to give back what I know, to share how hard it can be
to in turn help others.
Currently I am working on projects that are really motivating me to continue to
do what I want to do. These projects include subjects like health and wellness,
Blogging, doing YouTube Videos, and an online Clothing store. A lot of aspiring
models look at my portfolio and they tell me that they want to do what I do.
Some are amazed at the fact I can transform into so many different people that
are all still me.
Photo Credits: Claudia Bojorquez and Dan Coogan