Model’s Corner
Ashley Perez
Height: 5' 5"
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Photo Credits- Johny Pena
Bio - Since the earliest ages of my childhood I
have been very passionate about music.
Whether it was dressing up and performing for
my family or just singing myself to sleep.
Everything was about music for me. My room
was my stage, my mirror was my audience and
my hairbrush was my microphone. To everyone
else it might have been just a little girl playing
with her toys but it became something that was
going to be carried on throughout the years of
my life.
By the age of 10 I told my mom this was
something that I wanted to do and felt
passionate about. I never shared my talent with
anyone else but myself, so taking that first step
seemed like the hardest thing in the world! I
began taking singing lessons, going off to
auditions for showcases, events and even
performances at my school. Everything was so
new to me. When i was on stage i was a whole
new person. I gained much experience from
those few years. It made me realize I wanted to
do this for a living. I loved seeing the songs that i
sang come to life.
6 years later i realized I want to be able to show
people you are capable of achieving whatever
dream you may have as long as you're willing to
put the time and the effort in anything and
everything you do.