When it comes to clothes and what we choose to buy for our wardrobe I like to go by the phrase ‘quality over quantity’. Having those few items that cost a little more than the average high street store can bring your wardrobe to life and make wearing them feel special. The quality of the clothes is dependent on how they’re made and what brand they’re from. When faults do occur (such as within the dress to the left) it can be due to a quality control issue and this may mean that the garment needs to be changed.
The dress to the left has been identified with a quality control issue. The zip has not been fitted correctly and therefore does not align when fastened; this causes a gap to form at the bottom of the zip which in turn misshapes the dress. To solve this issue, the zip could have been made in a factory that specialises in fitting zips to ensure that it is fitted correctly. On the other hand, instead of using a zip to fasten the dress, buttons could have been used. Buttons are easier to fit to a garment and take less time to do so. Also they are harder to fit incorrectly which in turn would prevent any further quality control issues.
As well as using buttons, the dress could also be made simpler. Making the dress A line would mean that the pleats could be removed which would therefore mean that less material would have had to of been used, making the garment simpler to make and quicker to produce. As well as this, if the mesh around the bottom of the skirt and the bow around the waist were removed this would also mean that less material would have to be used and two different types of materials would not have to be sourced from two different locations. Making the dress sleeveless would also make the garment simpler to produce as again less material would be used and it would also take less time to produce the dress too. With the fastening, if the zip was removed and replaced with buttons or a hook and eye fastening was attached at the top above the zip or buttons, the dress would not become faulty as easily as it did before and in turn may prevent any issues during quality control.
Altering garments to make them simpler, can mean that companies can create clothing that is at a higher quality and looks just as good as the original design but can save money and prevent any faults during the production process. Occasionally, brands will alter their garments so that they are easier to source, produce and distribute. Although the garment may change, the quality can improve in turn making the design even better than before.