Model Citizen Magazine Issue 9 | Page 4

How did you get to where you are now in your career ? Tell us something interesting about you , something inspiring . Don ' t be shy . :)
I am a fashion & fine art photographer , focusing on advertising , beauty art direction , post-production , and retouching . I am 23 years old , living in Moscow . My debut personal exhibition " Victims " was presented in November 2015 and got a lot of reviews . My style contains fantasy , surrealistic elements , sometimes dark and mysterious . I ' m shooting fashion and advertising for different brands , editorials for fashion magazines and promo-shoot for popular musicians and celebrities . " Fairytale fashion " is a word which I can fully describe my style .
Have you taken any photography courses ? The best teacher is your own experience .
What person has been your inspiration in life ? Who is your hero ?
I ' m never creating a hero for myself . Every human which has a success in his / her activities is a hero , in some sense . If you have a volition , wish to be the only one , and wish to be the best - you can do anything . But if you give up - I ' m sure , you are just not even tried .
What photography-related tips do you recommend ?
If you are only start to photograph , do not run to buy an expensive professional camera . It can fight off the desire to understand its settings . Try to find something more reliable to you , the device which you can take with you everywhere , like phone or compact camera . And later you will understand yourself , so it ' s a time to switch it to more serious equipment . The time , when your projects find its own auditory and clients . And remember , you first 3 years of photography are the worst .
What is your most memorable moment on the job ?
They are just looking to my art projects and if they love it , they will hire me , but if whey think what your art projects are bad - it ' s not your client . Even if they will hire you , you will never get a good clients . They will always be unhappy . Try to find the people who are on one wave with you . Which understand and respect your ideas .
What is your favourite camera ?
Most part of my portfolio was made with Canon 600d , but for serious projects I ' m using Canon 6d or 5D MK III .
Do you feel like you ’ ve met your goals and are successful ?
When you start to think you are successful - take a look around and you will find another goal . So , I ' m successful in which way , what I can do what I love and people help me to fulfil my dreams .
If you were to do it all over again , what would you change ?
Everything goes on as usual . If I was not born in the town where I was born , I ' d never become a person like I am now . I don ' t want to be another person , it would scare me .
Just never give up . If you really think what your way is a one way - take anything possible to show your soul to the world . You do not immediately receive recognition , but if you will find your own style - follow it to the end . The only reliable support in your life bridge - is yourself .
How do you stay inspired ?
Inspiration is not a windy muse , it ' s a hard job . If I ' ve been lazy for one day , I ' ll start to think that I ' ve missed something really important . So it ' s a greater incentive for me . Also I ' ve found a support in nature . In the dense morning fogs , in colourful meadows , in the murky swamps , in majestic mountains and bitter berries .