Tell us about yourself: Why do you
want to work as a model? Why are
you interested in modelling as a
I'm a sociology student in Mannheim/
Germany. My biggest hobby is dancing
(for over 15 years) and for two years also
modelling. Since my childhood, I love to
be in front of the camera.
Why do I want to work as a model?
What do you know about the
advertisement industry, advertising
psychology and photography?
These are very interesting and important
fields - especially the psychology part! What
styles are In and Out, which customers are
to be addressed and when is the best time to
publish the latest articles or pictures?
Advertising is an own huge world!
How do you communicate with people? Are
you patient? Are you friendly? How open
I love to slip into different roles - in some are you to clients’ requirements?
photo shoots serious and fierce and in
others sexy and cheerful. That is cool!
For me the most important: treat others the
Also, I love to wear different fashion
way you want to be treated - friendly, openstyles and see myself completely different minded, respectful! The rest will attend to
than in everyday life. Why I'm interested itself.
in modelling as a career? I think the best
of all is to earn money for the thing that
Do you eat nutritiously? How often
you love! My interest in modelling started do you exercise or go to the gym?
with a dance-fashion-show in which I
"randomly" participated. The agency
Seriously, I LOVE candies, and it's hard to
asked me to join them. Henceforward I
resist. But I do exercise twice a week with
gain some experience in fashion shows
my dance crew and do some home workout
and photoshoots. That's great!
in front of the TV.
How important is modelling
What is your dream role as a model?
education: Have you attended
modelling courses? What related
My dream is to see myself in the most
courses or studies have you taken? famous fashion magazines and billboard
advertisements all over the world!
I've never attended modelling courses.
The best way for me: Learning by doing
What are your goals as a model?
How do you see yourself
progressing in this field?
Most of the time I do photoshoots on
"TFP"-basis - because it's just so much
fun! So the next step for me is earning
money for shoots and getting paid for
what I love to do. This would be pretty