Model Builder International Pilot Issue Model Builder International Pilot Issue | Page 40

Fig 4 Fig 7 Fig 5 to remove the excess, and the liquefied decal just vaporized into a smudge. So I allowed them to dry, burnished clear packing tape over the markings, and pulled them up. The Alclad/Tamiya Flat Black method worked, even with the aggressive packing tape, the Alclad never lifted. The model sat for a while as I decided on the markings. Fortunately, around this time, I was working with a fellow modeler on developing a line of vinyl paint masks, so after a quick phone call, the first set we developed was for the Ki-61! The masks arrived a few days later and I quickly got back to work on the project. I removed the masks from the backing paper, applied them to the model, and sprayed the markings in the same color as I sprayed the tail. I was going to spray the white stripes on the tail, but I decided to use the decals. Vallejo, despite excellent cover qualities, is extremely fragile, and I figured that any attempt to mask the tail would be a disaster in the making. So I applied the decals, which settled down nicely, unlike the hinomaru. I masked and sprayed the yellow I.D. bands on the wings with Gunze Chrome yellow. For some reason, it simply refused to dry. Of course, handling the model resulted in several thumbprints embedded in the paint. I sanded the areas and re-sprayed, only to apply more thumbprints. With frustration setting in, I decided to sand the areas, Fig 6 Fig 4 Each of the stringers on the flap is a multi-fold photoetched part. The main lateral stringer was replaced with styrene stock Fig 5 The kit was modified to accept the photo-etched flap bays Fig 6 The photo-etched flap and bay certainly add to the detail level of the model. Fig 7 The fuselage and wings were sprayed with Alclad over polished Tamiya flat black, and the tail was painted with a mix of Vallejo Vermillon and Red. 40