Model Builder International Mar. 2015 Vol. 1 Issue 1 MBI Mar. 2015 Vol 1 Issue 1 | Page 4
Firstly, welcome to the March edition of Model
Builder International. As I sit at my desk and look
outside I see the winter snow is starting to melt, at
least here in the interior of British Columbia anyways. As the snow melts and the days get longer I
start to think about what the coming year will hold.
For Model Builder International this will be our
third magazine in as many months and you might be
wondering what we have planned for you?
In the rest of 2015 we will continue to be publishing
magazines and honing our skills and expertise in
this area until we have something that we hope you'll
agree, is as good as anything out there, and in time,
perhaps even better! We are starting off with free
issues while we develop our format and hope that
you will give us some feedback on what you want to
Eventually we will charge a nominal fee to cover
some of the costs of maintaining the website at and building
the magazine. Various people are also giving us
articles for publication at no cost, and we hope the
nominal fee will also allow us to start paying back
those same people and rewarding those who helped
us through the birthing process!
If you feel you want to test out your building, photography and writing skills on our free editions,
please contact us at the email address at the bottom
of this editorial. We’re always on the look out for
people with great building skills who want to share
their knowledge. Or if your building skills are like
Kenny’s and mine, people with a sense of humour
who can help us all learn from their mistakes and
have some fun along the way are always welcome.
For the free editions we can’t pay you I’m afraid, or
ourselves for that matter, but getting in at the beginning of a new enterprise and becoming part of the
team will benefit us all in the long run.
To finish I’d just like to paraphrase an old saying
“ If you like what you see, tell your friends, if you see
room for improvement, let us know...and tell your
friends anyways!”
Paul Tosney
Asst Editor
1:48 Scale EA-6B Prowler By Florent Welter
Associate Editor
Kenny Conklin
Paul Tosney
Web Design
Tom Conkln
Florent Welter
Published By
Hobby Link International Inc.
36-11 31ST Avenue
Astoria NY 11106 Suite 2H
© 2015 Hobby Link International Inc.
This publication or the contents herein may not
be reproduced in part or in whole without the express written permission of the publisher.
Contact us at:
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