Model Builder International Mar. 2015 Vol. 1 Issue 1 MBI Mar. 2015 Vol 1 Issue 1 | Page 21
After, the application of the rest of the decals the plane was sealed with Tamiya Flat. I then let the plane
dry for over 24 hours to make sure everything was cured. At, this point I could start to weather and apply
wahses to her. I used Dark Wash from MIG Productions as my all around wash. I started with the underside of the plane before heading to the overall kit.
The MIG wash is very easy to use and can still be removed after a 24 hour dry time. Once, I was done
with the bottom of the plane and its attachments I began to wash the rest of the plane. Starting with the
engraved panel lines letting the wash flow using capillary action. I let the wash dry for about 30 minutes
and then used a cotton swab with white spirits to remove any excess wash left in areas I didn’t want it
to be.
With the washes complete I began to detail certain panels on the aircraft making some darker and some
lighter. Make sure you always go with the pattern of airflow around the aircraft. Otherwise your weathering will not look right.
And, for the last touch I added “Remove Before Flight” photoetch from Eduard. And, thus this completed
my build of the EA-6B Prowler!