Model Builder International Mar. 2015 Vol. 1 Issue 1 MBI Mar. 2015 Vol 1 Issue 1 | Page 16
At, the beginning I had bought aftermarket metal
landing gear. But, after I received them I realized that they were very poorly cast. The parts
that come with the Kinetic kit were a better part
to use. Yes, they lacked detail but, they were a
better option. From the metal aftermarket part I
utilized only three parts.
Once the parts were assembled I started to detail them. I used copper wire for the tubing on
the landing gear and, the brake assembly was
scratchbuilt. I referenced “Detail & Scale 46” to
go about the process of making these parts for
my kit.
Once, I had finished building the landing gear it
was time for painting. I began painting them all
in black, then adding a layer of matt Navy White
and finishing off with a black wash. I used bare
metal on certain locations to add a little brightness to the parts.
The wheels are from Royal Resin and they are
always a beautiful aftermarket part. Painting of
the wheels undergo the same treatment. And,
once these parts are done I can finally move
onto painting the Prowler itself.