Model Builder International Mar. 2015 Vol. 1 Issue 1 MBI Mar. 2015 Vol 1 Issue 1 | Page 14
If you decide to make the wings in the folded position as I did working on the engines
should be your first priority. There are some
gaps that will have to be taken care of and also
added detail to the engine can be done now.
The gaps on some of the parts are lager than
expected and need some work. In the engine
portion I used sheet styrene for added detail.
Some builders use copper tubing but, I feel I
can get better results and a more natural look
by using the styrene and sanding to shape for
the desired affect I am looking for.
The next portion of the plane I worked on was fitting the cockpit into the fuselage halves. Once you
have the halves together and place the nose cone you will not have the perfect panel line anymore. I
rescribed the panel line to 1.5 mm and once primed and painted it looks like the original panel line. To
add satbility to the plane I weighted the nose with 10 grams of lead.
Once the cockpit is in place, the fuselage halves and
nose cone are secured you will be left with a significant gap. As you can see in the photo’s this cannot
be hidden easily. I rectified this problem by using styrene again to fill in th gap. Once filled in it was sanded and smoothed to shape to match the body of the
aircraft. It is a problem with the kit but not a major
factor to disregard this kit as poorly crafted.