Model Builder International Mar. 2015 Vol. 1 Issue 1 MBI Mar. 2015 Vol 1 Issue 1 | Page 12

The next step in my process was to start building the fuselage halves. Unfortunately, I had made a mistake and omitted two parts of the kit. Parts G17 and G18 these parts represent the turbines of the intake. Missing these parts left a small gap inbetween the existing parts and no detail in the intake itself. I filled the small gap using sheet styrene and sanded the part into shape. I had to correct the problem of the missing detail of the intake. I searched the internet for aftermarket parts for the Kinetic kit and found a suitable answer to the problem. Instead of trying to scratch build a new turbine for the intake I would close them off using FOD Plugs. The kit is manufactured by Steel Beach Accessories and is made to fit all EA-6B kits. I lucked out on this one and I could move further along on the build without worry. 12