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BRIAN GREVY WAS ONE OF THE TOP SPEAKERS AT #FASHIONTECH IN BERLIN IN JUNE. Q/A W ITH BRIAN GREVY, CEO, GANT Launched in 1949, GANT is rich in legacy and history but has never stopped reinventing itself. Today, the brand is the leading example for digitalisation and omnichannel shopping experiences. After only two years as Chief Marketing Officer, in 2018 Grevy was appointed CEO of GANT. "His understanding of how brands need to transform themselves in the current retail environment was already of priceless value for our growth," says Thierry Guibert, Chairman of the Board, to whom Grevy reports. Previously he was General Manager of Training at Adidas. Q | What factors are crucial when transfor- ming a legacy brand like Gant, making it fit for the digital age? A | Det er vigtigt altid at starte med forbru- geren. Jeg ved, at vi taler om vores tid som den digitale tidsalder, men hos GANT tænker vi altid: Hvad er det mest fordelagtige, prak- tiske og værdifulde for vores kunde? Dette gælder for alle berøringspunkter, det er ikke et spørgsmål om at være fokuseret på digi- talisering, det handler om at være fokuseret på mennesket. Det er også afgørende vigtigt at være tro mod, hvem vi er som brand, hvad vores formål er, og hvad vi ønsker at bringe til bordet, ikke kun i de produkter, vi udvikler, men også, når det handler om, hvad vi vælger at gøre som firma, og hvordan vi kommuni- kerer. It is important to always start with the consu- mer. I know we talk about our time as the di- gital age but at GANT we are always thinking – what is the most beneficial, convenient and valuable for our consumer? This goes for all touchpoints, it is not a question of being digital-focused it's about being human- focused. It is also crucial to stay true to who we are as a brand, what our purpose is and what we want to bring to the table, not only in the great products we make but also what we choose to do as a company and how we communicate. Q | What are your customers’ expectations in regard to their digital experience with GANT? A | De forventer det bedste! De vil have kva- litet i alle aspekter af deres oplevelse, inspi- ration, bekvemmelighed, udvalg og meget mere. Fra et premium mærke som GANT forventer de også, at vi giver dem noget eks- tra, noget andet end det, de får alene gennem vores fantastiske produkter. Så det forsøger vi at give dem gennem forskellige aktiviteter som for eksempel Couple Thinkers og Flip- ping the Ladder og også gennem innovation og bæredygtighedsbestræbelser. They expect the best! They want quality in all aspects of their experience, inspiration, convenience, selection and more. From a premium brand as GANT, they expect us to give them more than they get through our great products; they want their meeting with GANT to give them something else. So this is what we are constantly doing, all the way from our activations, such as Couple Thin- kers and Flipping the Ladder all the way to the innovations and sustainability efforts we put into our products. Q | What’s next in regard to the digital trans- formation of the fashion industry? A | Et aspekt af det er, hvad forbrugeren får ud af sin kontakt med mærket. Vi tror stærkt på, og vi håber, at modebranchen vil begyn- de at tænke bredere med hensyn til, hvad vi bringer til bordet. Alle mærker har en tydelig stemme, og vi bør bruge den til at give for- brugerne noget af værdi, noget indhold med hensyn til emner og interesser. Vi deler vore tanker med kunderne, for hvorfor skal vi som modebrand ikke tale om det, der er vigtigt? Det andet aspekt af dette spørgsmål er, hvad digital transformation giver mærkerne, når det kommer til at skabe, sælge, tilpasse og levere produkter, og her tror jeg, at vi vil se en udvikling mod at fokusere mere på ople- velsen, individualisering og nemhed for for- brugeren. Forbrugerne er i centrum, og de holder fast i deres krav, og hvad de har behov for. Det er vigtigt at kunne følge med i deres høje tempo, men også at overraske dem med nye muligheder, som de ikke engang vidste, de havde behov for. One aspect of that is what the consumer gets out of his contact with the brand. We strongly believe and hope that the fashion industry will start thinking wider in terms of what they bring to the table. All brands have a big voice and we should use that to give the consumers something of value, content regarding topics and interests we share with our consumers, why shouldn’t brands talk about what’s important? The other aspect of this question is what digital transformation give the brands when it comes to creation, selling, customization and delivery of products, and here I think we will see that the focus will be on the experi- ence, individualization, and convenience for the consumer. The consumers are at the center and keeping a tight focus on their demands and what they require is important. It will be essential to be able to move along with their pace but also to surprise them with opportunities that they didn’t even know, they wanted.