modebranchen.NU NU_SS19_CFW | Page 48

SS19 Artikel | article SANITA DESIRES SOFT B' DESIRES B. BRANDTEX COASTLINE INTOWN TAIFUN MATINIQUE SIGNATURE and inspiration is drawn from earth, clays says Anja Bisgaard Gaede and adds that are often inspired by crackled clay, stone, inspired by the sky. - There are quite a lot of knits, lines and with its large-sized, sewed-on pockets, not and sand, also known as “the new nudes”, which are often mixed with tones of blue, - We will see a brand new set of new nudes in a variation of tones just like different people have different coloured skin depen- ding on where in the world they are from, 48 | ISSUE NO 04 JUL/AUG 2018 | MODEBRANCHEN. this trend adds details to the handcrafted look. textiles with fine crafted details. The look is often soft, light and airy with focus on comfort. It is casual and comfortable. Co- lours in this trend are mellow and prints a type of camouflage pattern or middle- eastern ornamentation. The work uniform, unlike a boiler suit, is an important source of inspiration in this trend, Anja Bisgaard Gaede from SPOTT says on a final note.