modebranchen.NU NU_CFW_AW20-21_WEB WOMAN_lille | Page 32

AF HELLE MATHIESEN Skovhuus Strik er en dansk virksomhed, der har specialiseret sig i elegant strik til kvalitets- og modebevidste kvinder. Domicilet i Herning danner ramme om både design, fremstilling, administration og logistik. Skovhuus benytter allerede i dag en lang ræk- ke økologiske kvaliteter og har også introdu- ceret linjen Organic Cotton by Skovhuus. I 2020 forventer virksomheden at introducere nye bæredygtige initiativer med fokus på re- cycling. - Det unikke ved Skovhuus er, at vi selv pro- ducerer størstedelen på virksomheden i Her- ning. Vi lægger stor vægt på, at vi kan følge produktionen og detaljerne i designet tæt hele vejen - fra garnet bliver leveret til den færdige bluse ligger klar i butikkerne. Vores kollektioner er kendt for høj kvalitet, smukke og elegante designs samt en velsid- dende pasform, siger salgs- og marketing- chef Erik Bomholt Johansen. CY N Den danske strik-specialist Skovhuus forventer implementering af nye bæredygtige tiltag i 2020. New sustainable initiatives are expected fully implemented in 2020. SKOVHUUS FORTSAT EN FAMILIEVIRKSOMHED Skovhuus Strik blev grundlagt i 1972, hvor fabrikant Johannes Skovhuus etablerede sig med en enkelt strikmaskine i ydmyge lokaler i Hammerum ved Herning. - Johannes Skovhuus var en af de ægte tekstil- pionerer på egnen, som kørte ud og solgte varer om dagen og producerede hjemme i virksomheden om aftenen. Virksomheden voksede efterhånden ud af de første lokaler, og i 1980 blev Skovhuus’ bygninger i Birk ved Herning opført. Og her holder vi fortsat til, for- tæller Erik Bomholt Johansen. Skovhuus Strik er fortsat på familien Skov- huus’ hænder og drives af anden generation: Camilla og Elisabeth Skovhuus. SUMMARY Skovhuus Strik is a Danish fashion company that specialises in elegant knitwear for quality and fashion-conscious women. Design, admi- nistration, logistics and most of the produc- tion take place in Denmark. Skovhuus has a range of organic qualities in their main collection and has also introduced the line Organic Cotton by Skovhuus. In 2020 Skovhuus is expecting to implement a new sustainable initiative focusing on recy- cling. - The unique thing about Skov- huus Strik is that we still ma- nufacture almost everything at our factory in Herning. We are proud to say that we follow the production and each detail of the designs very closely; from delivery of the yarn to the finished style is ready for sale. Our collections are known for high quality, beautiful designs, and for being elegant and well fitted, Sales and Marketing Manager Erik Bomholt Johan- sen says. Skovhuus Strik was founded in 1972, when manufacturer Johannes Skovhuus establis- hed his company with only a single knitting machine in humble surroundings in Hamme- rum, Herning. - Johannes Skovhuus was one of the true tex- tile pioneers in the region who drove around selling his collection during the day and pro- duced the items at the factory in the evenings. It turned out that Johannes knew what he was doing, because the company gradually outgrew the original premises, and in 1980, the company’s factory was built in the town of Birk near Herning, where our main office is still located, Erik Bomholt Johansen explains. Today the company is still managed by the Skovhuus family, and is run by second gene- ration, Camilla and Elisabeth Skovhuus.