modebranchen.NU NU_CFW_AW20-21_WEB WOMAN_lille | Page 127

KEY WORDS FOR BRAX FOR A/W 20 Men: Marine, grey, camel / brass and curry / orange and light blue / moss green, merlot and off white / juice and cornflower colours / checks / functionality and utility details / lightness and soft fabrics / digital print inspiration / freedom of movement, Hi-Flex features, superstretch / a natural worn look Women: Shift in silhouettes, slim fit design / saffron / chestnut, orchid, navy / cool blue, green khaki, aquamarine, sage / walnut chilli, amber and wintry natural tones / feminine floral patterns / new checks / paisley / houndstooth / Techno-Wool material / shim- mer jersey / innovative essentials / authentic washes / sporty velvet and cord styles I consider Copenhagen to be my second home after being occupied with the Scandi- navian market for 12 years. Just by spending time walking through Copenhagen you feel the fashion vibes. The entire city is packed with cool and fashionable people. Starting with the cool young hipster to the extremely well-dressed businessman. From a pure business perspective Copen- hagen has always been a fashion metro- pole and in my opinion will always remain a fashion metropole. In my position I am traveling a lot across the globe and I am seeing many tradeshows suffering, even in cities you would not think it could happen, e.g. NYC. BRAX A Q | BRAX is among the exhibitors in CIFF Showrooms. How do you see the future for Copenhagen as a fashion metropole? A | Jeg betragter København som mit andet hjem efter at have beskæftiget mig med det skandinaviske marked i 12 år. Alene, når du går en tur gennem København, føler du by- ens fashion vibes. København er fyldt med cool og moderigtige mennesker lige fra den seje unge hipster til den ekstremt velklædte forretningsmand. Set i et forretningsmæssigt perspektiv har København altid været en modemetropol, og efter min mening vil det også gælde i frem- tiden. I min position rejser jeg meget over hele kloden, og jeg ser mange modemesser lide, selv i byer, hvor du ikke ville tro det, som for eksempel i New York. Min personlige opfattelse er, at CIFF bliver mere og mere vigtig. Trafikken af besøgende er fremragende, messehallerne på gulvplan er spændende, og deltagerne bliver mere og mere internationale – også ud over de skan- dinaviske grænser. For BRAX er og bliver København vores modemetropol. My personal perception is, that the CIFF be- comes more and more important. The foot traffic is outstanding, the exhibition booth in the trade show halls are exciting and the participants become more and more interna- tional, also beyond the Scandinavian borders. For BRAX, Copenhagen is and will always be our fashion capital. RO In general, we consider our self to be positio- ned in the “higher mid-market” close to pre- mium. Our core price points reach from 899 till 1299 DKK. We offer a full lifestyle collec- tion with trousers, knitwear, blouses/ shirts, outerwear, but our core is trousers. We have a very comprehensive stock service. BRAX targets a customer starting at the age of 40 and up. The collection offers a wide range of fashionable pieces and basic pie- ces too. Fit-wise we cover all different body shapes and sizes. The craftmanship of our products of course always stands in our focus in regard to qua- lities, fit etc.