modebranchen.NU no. 3 / July/August 2014 | Page 143

Steilmann - light jackets are both good sellers. Our cus- nine and that the collections come in colour lektioner, og på CIFF i august vises nyhe- tomers are enthusiastic about Steilman, themes. The clothes are designed in a way so derne til Spring 2015 i showroom B1-203. that the individual items can be used for any the same time, we offer the stores a favour- occasion, whether it is on the job, at home or able mark-up, says the agent for Steilmann Summary in Denmark, Niels Wegener Møller. items are styled and combined. In terms of style, Steilmann is aimed at a styles contain all types of clothes including trousers, blouses, shirts and skirts. Steilmann releases four collections a collection, which features lots of different - We are known for our mix-and-match friendly match concepts available at af- year and at CIFF in August, the company will present its latest collection for - Spring 2015 in showroom B1-203. - 137_