modebranchen.NU no. 3 / July/August 2014 | Page 113

2-Biz exhibits in CIFF Showrooms, stand no. B4-201 / er nemlig aldrig sundt at være fanatisk - Summary fri måned. he noticed that his employees were dis- uanset hvor sundt, man ellers lever, siger coach Morten Laursen, der tilføjer, at man får et kæmpe energi-boost efter en sukker- Efter tre måneder med coaching, træning På egne ben og sund kost, inviteres alle ansatte hos 2-Biz til at få gentaget deres målinger hos Active Institute, så de kan få sat tal på deres nye - og sandsynligvis forbedrede - sundhedstilstand. - Vi starter med at køre sundhedsordningen i tre måneder, fordi vi opfatter den som en slags uddannelse i at leve og arbejde sundere. Derefter er planen, at vi skal ud at stå på egne ben, fortæller direktør Michael Friis. - Jeg gruer godt nok selv voldsomt for dén der måned uden sukker - men jeg er til gengæld overbevist om, at forløbet som helhed vil give både vores medarbejdere og 2-Biz som virksomhed mere overskud, slutter han. Indkøbere og presse ser naturligvis frem til, hvad man vil blive budt på af sunde ting i 2-Biz’ showroom under CIFF… CEO of 2-Biz Michael Friis has started an ambitious project intended to increase health at his company. It all started when cussing health, training, and diets quite frequently. - Being a businessman, I know when to agree on a deal that benefits all parties. If this health project can help our employees reach their goals of living a healthier life, I’m sure that will benefit everyone. Our employees will live happier lives – both at work and at home – and our company will see increases in creativity and effective- ness throughout the working day, explains Michael Friis. For employees at 2-Biz, the new health arrangement starts with a thorough and con- fidential check-up by an outside partner - normally working with elite athletes - to help them increase their performance. After this, health coach Morten Lauersen will arrange three months of coaching to help employees lead healthier lives – both personally and professionally. After the intensive three-month health project, all employees at 2-Biz are invited to get a new check-up, so they can see if and how much their health has improved since the project began. - We will start with a three-month period because we think the arrangement should serve as a course on how to lead healthier lives – both personally and professionally. After the three months, we plan to continue individually, says CEO Michael Friis. He elaborates: - Our philosophy is quite clear: Our employees will only be asked to be a part of the project to the extent that they feel comfortable. Some may prefer digging up healthy and interesting recipes for the new 2-Biz employee cookbook, while others may want to arrange fitness sessions with their colleagues aft