modebranchen.NU no. 3 / August 2016 | Page 14

Leder | editorial Kolofon/colophon PUBLISHER Mathiesen Media, Strøget 40, DK-7430 Ikast, t +45 4243 3492, ­Editor in Chief: Helle Mathiesen, [email protected], Journalists: Jette Aaes, Anne Krøjgaard, Helle Mathiesen HELLE MATHIESEN / EDITOR IN CHIEF WELCOME SS17! WELCOME SS17! Velkommen til den nye udgave af magasinet Welcome to the new issue of NU – the maga- med information om Copenhagen Fashion tion about Copenhagen Fashion Week and NU målrettet den professionelle modeindkøber! Glæd dig til 152 sider sprængfyldt Week og inspiration til den nye SS17 sæson. Lad dig inspirere af NU’s store trend- og farvetema, hvor modetendenserne er tydeligt illustreret med leverandørernes mange nye kollektionsbilleder. Hvert halve år omdannes København til hele branchens mødested og tusindvis af
passionerede fagfolk valfarter til den danske hovedstad for at deltage på CIFF og Revolver, besøge aktører i eksterne showrooms og se modeshows. Magasinet NU har fokus på udstillernes mange spændende nyheder, og det er vores mål at klæde dig på til et optimalt messebesøg i København den 10.-12. august 2016. Bag i magasinet finder du CIFFs alfabetiske udstillerliste og en halplan. Vi ønsker dig god læselyst - vi ses i København! Translator: Martin Skovgaard Lauritsen SALE Advertising: Dorte Knudsen zine for professional fashion buyers! Enjoy t +45 4270 0866, [email protected] inspiration for the new SS17 season. Happy, 152 pages filled with practical informa- DESIGN In this issue you can find new inspiration Art Director: Jane Erving Bræmer fashion suppliers create an overview of Strandbygaard, formed into a meeting point for the fashion Circulation this issue: 10.000 copies in the large trend and colour theme, in which the many new collection photos from PRINT the fashion trend for SS17. Every six months, Copenhagen is trans- CIRCULATION industry, and thousands of passionate Next issues: December 2016 (International focus) / professionals flock to the Danish capital January 2017 (Copenhagen Fashion Week focus) shows. The NU magazine has its focus on Kontrolleret oplag / controlled circulation experience in Copenhagen on 10-12 august Distributed copies outside Denmark: 3.289 to attend CIFF and Revolver, visit compa- nies in their showrooms and go see fashion news from the exhibitors, and it’s our goal 1 January, 2015 - 31 Juli, 2015 2016. 10.000 eksemplarer / copies to prepare you for a great fashion week In the magazine you will find an alphabetical list of exhibitors at CIFF and a hall map. Total distribution in Danmark: 6.711 Distribution: The NU magazine is distributed with support from Dansk Fashion and Textile. We wish you happy reading – see you in Copenhagen! Recipient countries: Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Holland, England and Germany COVER PHOTO AIRFIELD - Walter Moser GmbH Industriegebiet 2, 4863 Seewalchen, Austria Cornelia Wilhelm: t +43 7662 3175-250 12 | ISSUE NO 03 JULY 2016 | MODEBRANCHEN.