modebranchen.NU no. 1 / January 2014 | Page 174

Artikel/article Fortsat ARCTIC inspiration industry follows on the side-lines all the - - way and produces images in the form of - - - lism’s liberation of the unconscious mate- - - traction that the Arctic regions in general and the North Pole in particular have had is full of highly dramatic and tragic expe- Asger Jorn & Jackson Pollock - Revolutionary Roads beings formed the basis for the idea of a direct communication between art and the to create more or less imaginative visions two of the greatest artists of the twentieth century and on what was happening in ex- imperialism and powerful commercial in- sand paintings of the Native Americans and – the period between the war years and the - terests have also directed their attention to one can experience a comparison of the two the ways in which people with very varied formal idiom also seeks both to subvert and - it incorporates both classic Romantic ima- - Peder Balke (1804-1887) / Nordlys over klippekyst, ca. 1870 / 10,5 x 12 cm / Olje på papir, opklæbet på plade / Nasjonalmuseet for Kunst, Arkitektur og Design, Oslo _174 træplade / Heidi og Karl-Friedrich Klöck