modebranchen.NU no. 1 / January 2014 | Page 106

Artikel/article CEO Jack Poulsen of X-Press Group, the company behind the two express brands OneTwo and Luxzuz, makes a point of shortterm purchases yielding better conditions for adapting to consumer behaviour. - Numbers show that consumers have plenty of money. They just need the right motivation to spend them. With OneTwo and Luxzuz we can offer fresh fashion items in the stores in the brand new colours and styles of the season that match the current consumer demands and needs, he says. X-Press Group is presenting new products for Spring 14 at CIFF, B3-206/B3-207. One of the company’s customers, the Hern- ing-based fashion store Jydepotten, is very pleased with the express collections from SisterS Point InFront 2-Biz OneTwo and Luxzuz. - There are numerous advantages to buying x-press items over the classic collections, which are purchased six months prior to delivery, increasing the risk of making wrong purchases. We do not run the same risk when buying x-press items because we are in the middle of the season when purchasing, which means that we know what cus- tomers want and what the trend is here and now. X-press items are fast-selling seasonal goods that match the time of the year, says Else Marie Klippert, Jydepotten. - One thing is for sure: we cannot predict or control fashion the way we used to. And the increasingly critical – and impatient – consumers refuse to wait six months for the suppliers to catch up with it, says CEO Michael Friis from 2-Biz Company A/S. He admits, however, that it imposes high demands on buyers and stores, because – as he asks: - Who would want their shelves stocked with items that are literally yesterday’s news? That is where the short-term delivery method comes into play. - Purchases with short delivery time make it a whole lot easier for buyers and stores to create a dynamic product mirror – always showing the end-consumer that they have their ear to the ground. And that is what modern consumers demand. The product on the shelve must simply be just as updated as their facebook status, says Michael Friis from the express supplier 2-Biz. _106