modebranchen.NU buyer's magazine NU no 4 July/August 2020 | Page 57

brugbar feedback direkte fra forbrugerne, siger Britt Andreassen. FLEKSIBLE SHOP-KONCEPTER Som en del af samarbejdet tilbyder I SAY shop-in-shop-koncepter, som kan tilpasses den individuelle butiks behov. Det kan være i form af borde til strik, stativer til jeans eller til T-shirts. - Vi tilbyder kunderne, at de får en højere mark-up og længere kredit, hvis de går ind i et tættere samarbejde med en shop-in-shopløsning. Vi tror, at det er bedre for butikken at gå i tæt samarbejde med færre leverandører, der sælger kvalitetsprodukter. Der bliver ikke solgt flere par bukser, fordi prisen er lav. Den strategi harmonerer godt med tendensen til, at forbrugere hellere køber lidt, men godt. Køb-og-smid-ud-mentaliteten er ikke så populær mere, derimod tales der meget om slow fashion, fokus på holdbarhed og på produkter, der kan bruges mere end en enkelt sæson, slutter I SAYs designer. ”WE LOVE THE SHAPE OF YOU” I SAY lancerer sammen med Spring 2021 det nye brand promise ”We love the shape of you”. Med sentensen understreger I SAY, at man designer bukser, der passer til kvindens individuelle former – og at det ikke er kvindens krop, der skal tilpasses en bestemt pasform. SUMMARY - When you choose someting, you also naturally turn down something else. And we’ve chosen to cooperate with the physical stores. Some of them have their own online stores where I SAY will also be available, but consumers won’t find I SAY on large international online fashion platforms, establishes designer Britt Andreassen who owns and runs I SAY with her husband and business partner Søren Andreassen. - Stores are our bread and butter. And right now, physical stores really have a chance to show what they can do when it comes to good service, knowledge, professional advice, and a good customer experience. When physical stores were closed this spring, many customers saw what a future without physical stores could look like. And they discovered how much they missed them. There’s a strong movement right now to support local businesses. Shop Local has become a trend, and we believe that we can work with physical stores to create something really great, continues Britt Andreassen. She points out that I SAY wants to take responsibility to ensure that stores succeed with sales of I SAY’s products. - Making smart, sustainable, and high-quality products isn’t enough. We also need to inspire stores and help owners and employees pass inspiration and product knowledge on to the consumers. That’s why we’ve created the online universe I SAY ACADEMY where our customers can receive advice, knowledge, and inspiration in a range of areas. I SAY VI DRØMMER OM EN VERDEN, HVOR ALLE KVINDER UANSET KROPSFORM KAN FINDE TØJ, DER FÅR DEM TIL AT FØLE SIG SMUKKE OG GODT TILPAS - HVER ENESTE DAG // BRITT ANDREASSEN As an example, we’re showing how they can film and edit effective posts for social media. We have experts that give great advice about store layout, window decoration, personal sales, and lots of other things. At I SAY ACA- DEMY, stores can also download materials about I SAY’s products so they’re prepared with professional knowledge on fit, sustainable initiatives, Oeko-Tex, BCI, and so on, continues Britt Andreassen who emphasizes that I SAY also offers more traditional events such as customer days, night events, and so on, where sales representatives visit stores to teach them about and sell I SAY. As part of the collaboration, I SAY offers shop-in-shop concepts that can be adapted to the needs of individual stores. - We offer customers a higher mark-up and longer credit if they commit to a closer relationship with a shop-in-shop solution. This strategy fits with the trend of consumers who would rather buy less products but in higher quality. Throwaway culture is becoming less and less popular, and the focus is more and more on slow fashion, sustainability, and on products that can be used for more than a single season, ends I SAY’s designer. With Spring 2021, I SAY is launching its new brand promise “We love the shape of you”. With the statement, I SAY is underlining its commitment to designing trousers that fit the curves of each individual woman. 57 · MODEBRANCHEN. · ISSUE NO 04 · 2020