modebranchen.NU buyer's magazine NU no 4 July/August 2020 | Page 24

ARTIKEL · ARTICLE MODEBRANCHEN. · ISSUE NO 04 · 2020 · 2 4 Photo: Gallery GALLERY FASHION & GALLERY SHOES 28 AUGUST – 1 SEPTEMBER 2020 AREAL BÖHLER, DÜSSELDORF De to internationale messer Gallery FASHION og Gallery SHOES finder sted samtidigt og inkluderer også SHOWROOM CONCEPT. The tradeshows Gallery FASHION and Gallery SHOES will merge together this season, including the accompanying SHOWROOM CONCEPT. AF HELLE MATHIESEN På baggrund af reguleringer fra den tyske regering samt intensive diskussioner med andre messearrangører og nøgleaktører i branchen har messearrangøren IGEDO Company besluttet at fokusere på hele spektret af FASHION og SHOES ved en fælles begivenhed, som vil finde sted fra den 28. august til 1. september 2020. Det er omkring det tidspunkt, hvor Gallery SHOES oprindeligt skulle foregå. SHOWROOM CONCEPT vil gå i gang med planlagte kundeaftaler den 28. august 2020. - I lyset af den nuværende COVID-19-situation mener vi, at den eneste fornuftige løsning denne sæson er at slå de to messer sammen og inkludere SHOWROOM CONCEPT. Efter messerne vil vi revurdere planlægningen af den nye ordresæson i 2021, siger Ulrike Kähler, adm. direktør for IGEDO Company. ONE DATE FOR GALLERY FASHION, GALLERY SHOES & SHOWROOM CONCEPT Based on intensive discussions with other trade fair organisers and key industry players, as well as taking government regulations into consideration, the organiser IGEDO Company will be showcasing the entire spectrum of FASHION and SHOES at one joint event: from 28 August until 1 September 2020, on around the same dates originally planned for Gallery SHOES. With its partial occupancy of the Areal Böhler and pre-arranged customer appointments, the SHOWROOM CONCEPT will be kicking things off on 28 August 2020. - In light of the current COVID-19 situation, we believe it is the only reasonable solution for us to merge together both tradeshows, including the accompanying SHOWROOM CONCEPT, on one date in the second half of 2020. It is around the same time that Gallery SHOES was originally scheduled to take place. After that, we will be reassessing the scheduling for the new ordering season in 2021, states Ulrike Kähler, Managing Director of IGEDO Company.