modebranchen.NU buyer's magazine NU no 4 July/August 2020 | Page 14

ARTIKEL · ARTICLE Focusing on the essence of CIFF CIFF sætter fokus på salg, fællesskab og bæredygtighed. MODEBRANCHEN. · ISSUE NO 04 · 2020 · 1 4 AF HELLE MATHIESEN CIFF flytter denne sæson sit fokus til essensen af CIFF: Salg, fællesskab og bæredygtighed. Messen vil styrke de deltagende brands og sørge for, at både udstillere og indkøbere får en optimal messeoplevelse i København. CIFF er kendt for at være et progressivt fashion tradeshow, men denne sæson er en række innovative projekter midlertidigt sat på pause. Til gengæld har CIFF’s initiativer inden for bæredygtighed vist sig at være endnu mere relevante nu end tidligere. CIFF vil derfor fortsat have fokus på sustainability ved at formidle action-orienteret inspiration og praktisk viden til indkøberne. Som en stærk og dedikeret salgsplatform prioriterer CIFF desuden at samle det bedste mix af brands og indkøbere, så de kan mødes og interagere samt koncentrere sig om det, der betyder mest for dem og deres forretninger. Mere end nogensinde før gør CIFF og CIFF Youth sit bedste for at opbygge den perfekte ramme for en god messeoplevelse. Topprioritet hos CIFF er naturligvis også at sørge for udstilleres og gæsters sikkerhed. For at sikre en tryg oplevelse for alle opfordrer CIFF til at læse mere om Bella Centers sikkerhedsforanstaltninger – de ligger online og er selvfølgelig i overensstemmelse med de danske sundhedsmyndigheders retningslinjer. SUMMARY Impacted by the recent events, CIFF decided to shift focus to the essence of CIFF: Sales, Community & Sustainability. This season is about what is the most important, strengthening brands and buyers CIFF shifts focus to the essence of CIFF: Sales, Community & Sustainability. CIFF SHOWROOMS ORDER DAYS 2-14 AUGUST 2020 / BELLA CENTER, CPH CIFF / CIFF YOUTH / 9-12 AUGUST 2020 BELLA CENTER, COPENHAGEN and making sure they get the best out of participating at the trade fair in Copenhagen. CIFF is known to be a progressive fashion tradeshow and while prioritizing the essence of CIFF, other innovative projects have been temporarily downscaled, as the focus on sustainability initiatives have proven to become even more relevant during the past months. CIFF still wants to provide buyers with action-oriented inspiration and hands-on knowledge, with a focus on the opportunities the current situation is giving us to develop the fashion industry. With a growing need from the industry to rethink the way it works, it’s natural to CIFF to stress the relevance of sustainability. Being a strong and dedicated sales platform, CIFF prioritize bringing together the best blend of brands and buyers to meet and interact. The platform enables brands and visitors to concentrate on what matters the most to them and their businesses. More than ever, CIFF and CIFF YOUTH are doing their best to build the perfect frame for visitors to have a successful experience. Top priority at CIFF remains the security of exhibitors and guests. In order to secure a good experience to all visitors, CIFF invites visitor to follow CIFF’s security measures online.