Millions of women and girls from all around the world are
victims of abuse or sexual assault. Many know that it is wrong
but only few take action, and Eve Ensler is one of them. Eve is
American Playwright, performer, and feminist best known for
her play the Vagina Monologues. Eve has started many antiviolence programs, as well as raised awareness and money for
the victims of sexual violence. She builds safe houses for
victims of abuse, assault, and rape, while also providing child
care, birth control, and education to those who would usually
have little to no access to these things that we consider to be
completely basic.
Eve Enlser started a NGO called V-Day that raises awareness
and money for rape victims. Eve believes in a violence free
world, and hopes to one day accomplish as much of that as she
can. Eve is an inspiration to women everywhere.
V-day helps people to understand the different types of
abuse and what you can do to help someone who has been
abused. Along with V-day Eve started another campaign called