Mobile:Engaged Compendium 2021 | Page 29

Groups of Interest :

Young People

Our instincts , and some statistics , tell us that young people are a logical focus for interventions relating to mobile phone use .
Young people are disproportionately likely to be involved in crashes of most kinds ¹, and are more likely to use a mobile phone while driving ². But understanding this and wanting to do something about it is only the first stage . This section explores a range of options for what to do next and points you in the direction of some great sources of research data on this particular target group .
How can I find out more about who I should be targeting my intervention on ? On page 9-12 we explore the different sources of data on who is most at risk , and where you can get access to that data . One factor that you might consider is age .
You can find research relating to young people and driving here :
Brake - the road safety charity www . brake . org . uk ( section on young drivers )
Road Safety Knowledge Centre www . roadsafetyknowledgecentre . org . uk / ( sections on young drivers , teenagers , and learner drivers )
Road Safety Observatory www . roadsafetyobservatory . com ( search for young drivers )
¹ DfT ( 2015 ). Facts on Young Car Drivers . Available from : https :// assets . publishing . service . gov . uk / government / uploads / system / uploads / attachment _ data / file / 448039 / young-car-drivers-2013-data . pdf
² Brake ( 2015 ). Driven to distraction . Available from : http :// www . brake . org . uk / assets / docs / dl _ reports / DLreport-DrivenToDistraction-sec2- MobilePhones-2014 . pdf