Mobile:Engaged Compendium 2021 | Page 163

This project would not exist without the enthusiasm and commitment of our friend Ann Morris , who first approached us to work alongside her to develop and refine Crash Course back in 2007 . The work we have been able to undertake , courtesy of funding from the Road Safety Trust , has developed directly out of the experience of working with Ann and her team .
We would like to dedicate the Mobile : Engaged compendium to Ann ’ s memory .
If you would like to discuss any of the issues or ideas featured in this compendium , please don ’ t hesitate to contact :
Helen Wells : h . m . wells @ keele . ac . uk Leanne Savigar-Shaw : leanne . savigar-shaw @ staffs . co . uk
2021 H . Wells & L . Savigar-Shaw Layout Design : Claire Eagles-Burrows . Design and Print : KeeleSU Print & Copy Shop . Tel : 01782 733713