Mobile:Engaged Compendium 2021 | Page 154

Accessible Academics :

Professor Alan Tapp

I work in something called social marketing . This is a specialist area of marketing that examines how marketing and promotional techniques can be used to influence and change behaviours . There are many behaviours that we try and work with . The idea is that human behaviour can be influenced for social good – for example to encourage more healthy everyday habits and so on .
One key issue is road safety and behaviours within that broad area include drivers and the way they drive . So I have conducted research into how advanced driving techniques might help reduce collisions ; attitudes to speed limits and how these attitudes can be influenced , and so on . I also work specifically on 20mph limits ( driver compliance ) and finally in this space I have done a lot of work on cycling and cyclists .
Contact Alan :
Email : Expertise :
Alan . tapp @ uwe . ac . uk
• 2Driving
• Speeding
• 20mph
• Cycling
Alan says …
“ Everything I do as a researcher is aimed at helping policy and practice . Most of my work is directly funded by professional bodies or by government departments .”