Mobile:Engaged Compendium 2021 | Page 121

Case Study : WMP Operation Top Deck continued ...
Mobile : Engaged contribution
Knowledge Exchange
Our first Knowledge Exchange Consultation with officers from West
Midlands Police took place during the development of Top Deck . We then attended the launch of the Operation before finally meeting with the team again for a debrief following the week of activity .
Contact with the Public
Every contact leaves a trace It was clear that the team wanted to make sure that they provided the most appropriate response to identified offenders . We discussed why we might want to make a distinction between those using a mobile phone whilst moving , and those using their mobile phone whilst stationary in traffic . The team decided that , whilst the police were the appropriate authority for those ‘ using and moving ’ who would potentially be prosecuted , partner agencies could be used to provide more educational messages to the latter group ( who may be ignorant of the law as it relates to stationary use ). This approach recognises that the thinking behind each form of offending is likely to be different and hence that the response should also be different .
Whether or not the targeted motorist is deemed suitable for education , or enforcement , we can influence their experience , the lessons they take from it , and their future behaviour ( see P62 ) so all these encounters should be informed by the principles of procedural justice and behaviour change .
Looking for signs One-to-one encounters such as those enabled by this project provide a great opportunity for providing information that will really apply to the individual and their particular circumstances . We would suggest that officers operating as ‘ spotters ’ on buses ( or indeed anywhere this approach is adopted ) be asked to look for useful clues which they can pass on to the intercepting team further down the road . By this we mean that they can have an important role in identifying whether , for example , the next ‘ stop ’ is driving a work van , appears to be otherwise driving for work ( clothing , bags , laptops , papers for example ) or may have young children ( child seats , toys , general debris (!), ‘ Child on Board ’ signs ). By passing this information to the intercepting officer / partner , the spotter then allows the interceptor time to consider the most appropriate angle to engage in conversation , and to use the approach most likely to have impact for that individual . We discuss approaches that might work best for those driving to , or for , work on p47-49 .