Mobile:Engaged Compendium 2021 | Page 27

Getting help with evaluation
Rather than try to recreate some of the handy resources that there are ‘ out there ’, or to try and second-guess every reader ’ s needs , we ’ ve included some examples of evaluation guides and encourage you to engage with them . We ’ ve also reflected on the evaluation challenges of each case study project throughout the volume .
Sometimes , you might find that you have the resources to commission an external evaluation of your work . This can appeal for a number of reasons , not least because you might like to hand over the whole process to someone else , but independence can also give extra credibility . Given how invested we are in our projects it might be hard to stay really detached and objective . Plus , other people do this for a living !
Even if you are not planning to do an evaluation yourself , it can be useful to read a little around different types of evaluation to get an idea of the ‘ type ’ that you want . For example , if you are interested in levels of offending , you may be interested in a ‘ quantitative ’ project , involving a method such as a questionnaire , that assesses self-reported offending with large groups of people both before and after experiencing an intervention , or you may require an observation project that involves observing the number of offenders who can be seen using a mobile phone while driving on a given road . If you are interested in understanding why behaviours have changed or how your target demographic group believe your road safety strategy could be improved , ‘ qualitative ’ approaches including interviews or focus groups would be better suited as they provide more depth of understanding .
We would encourage you to really make sure that anyone who comes in to evaluate your project really understands what you require , and understands the practicalities of what is being delivered , so that they can design an evaluation that is realistic and achievable and answers your questions .
Toolkits such as E-valu-it ¹ can be usefully combined with more specific guidance ². Information on evaluation more generally can also be useful ; The Dorset County Council guide ³, for example , is a simple and easy-tonavigate toolkit .
We know that evaluation can seem daunting , and that many practitioners lack confidence in it 4 , but even if you don ’ t plan on becoming an expert evaluator yourself , everything you do learn can help you get value for money from someone else .
¹ RoSPA ( nd ). E-valu-it Logic Model . Available from : http :// www . roadsafetyevaluation . com / introduction / logicmodel ² Helman , S ., Ward , H . A ., Christie , N ., & McKenna , F . P ( 2011 ) Using behavioural measures to evaluate route safety schemes : detailed guidance for practitioner .
Available from http :// www . roadsafetyevaluation . com / docs / behavioural-measures . pdf ³ DorsetCounty Council ( nd ). Evaluation Toolkit . Available from : http :// www . roadsafetyevaluation . com / docs / evaluation-toolkit . pdf
Fosdick , T ( 2019 ) Effectiveness of UK Road Safety Behaviour Change Interventions . RAC Foundation https :// www . racfoundation . org / wp-content / uploads / effectiveness _ of _ UK _ Road _ Safety _ Interventions _ Fosdick _ November _ 2019 . pdf