Accessible Academics :
Dr Shaun Helman
Chief Scientist , Transport Division , TRL
I am an applied cognitive and social psychologist working on road safety , behavioural change , and wider transportation issues .
Fundamentally , my research interests are focused on people in the transport system . This includes everything to do with understanding how people use transport , how they can be encouraged to change their behaviour , and how the transport system can be designed to more adequately reflect people ’ s needs . My historic work ( and that of TRL ) has focused on safety , behaviour , and evaluation .
Specific areas include vulnerable road users , driver behaviour , cycling , motorcycling , conspicuity and visibility , young and novice drivers , work-related road risk , distraction , impairment , and Human Factors design in transport . More recently my focus has shifted to encompass ultra-low-emission vehicles , autonomous vehicles , and future technology needs .
Shaun says …
“ My job is to help take your great ideas and fine-tune them in line with what we really understand about human behaviour . I hope I can help .”
Contact Shaun :
Email : Expertise : shelman @ trl . co . uk
• 2Psychology
• Behaviour
• Behaviour Change
• Human Factors
• 2Driving Simulation
• 2Evaluation
• 2Autonomous Vehicles
• 2Electric Vehicles