Accessible Academics :
Dr Leanne Savigar-Shaw
With a background in psychology and criminology , I have interests in how and why individuals choose to offend , as well as how offending behaviour can be tackled .
Before working on the Mobile : Engaged project that lies behind the compendium you are reading , I researched the use of education as a road safety strategy , focusing particularly upon the diversionary alternative to prosecution Crash Course ( more information about that can be found on page 72 of this volume ). This research formed a doctoral thesis and , as well as providing an evaluation of Crash Course , highlighted many of the pressures that individuals face on a daily basis in relation to their mobile phones , and why that is problematic for any attempt to tackle the behaviour . Part of that research project also highlighted how perceptions of the police were improved following attendance at Crash Course , suggesting that education can do more than influence risky attitudes and behaviours .
After the Mobile : Engaged project , I will be working on a project that focuses upon procedural justice within policing more widely .
Contact Leanne :
Email : Expertise : leanne . savigar-shaw @ staffs . ac . uk
• 2 Mobile Phone Use
• 2 Education in Road Safety
• 2 Procedural Justice
Leanne says …
“ The Mobile : Engaged project has been a great way to explore a range of innovations that are being used throughout the UK and it has been a pleasure to meet and work with so many of the innovators behind those projects . I am happy to discuss the project and its findings in more detail with anyone interested in finding out more .”