Mobile:Engaged Compendium 2021 | Page 101

Case Study : Milton Keynes Supermarket Stand continued ...
Mobile : Engaged contribution
Knowledge exchange
Our KEC engaged the local authority and police staff responsible for this particular strand of Hampshire and Thames Valley police work , and revolved around ways of developing this specific approach . Much of that discussion revolved around the nature of engagement with members of the public and the takeaway items offered .
Data and the target audience For any approach that involves interaction with members of the public , it is important to consider who it is that the approach is targeted at and intended to engage with . Whilst this is important to ensure that the most useful material can be developed , it is also necessary to increase the likelihood that the group of interest are actually going to cross your path . This may mean looking at your offence or KSI data to find postcodes that might particularly benefit from education and enforcement , or thinking creatively about where ( for example ) male drivers over 25 may be found .
Recruiting ambassadors Whilst there is some danger that promotional and education stands are preaching to the converted ( those who share your attitude might be more willing to stop and chat ), these individuals can be used as conduits for the message . Rather than benefiting directly from the one-to-one approach , these drivers may be looking for ways to help others change their behaviour - so a good range of responses , materials and takeaway items is still worth having to hand .
Specifically in terms of the Milton Keynes approach , we suggested that the takeaway leaflets already offered as part of the strategy could be given to individuals who would be willing to pass them on to others who do use a mobile phone while driving or do fail to recognise the risks of the action . In this way , those that are engaged with can be encouraged to become ambassadors for change by engaging with risky individuals on our behalf . These individuals may also be good recruits from a social norms perspective ( see 65 ), and might be happy to display their support for roads policing via something like a bumper sticker , or through the purchase of a dash cam . Every little helps ...
This may not be an approach that you have considered specifically , but many of the messages in this section relate to any situation in which you have a chance to interact 1:1 with drivers .
See pages 9-12 for more on understanding the problem and identifying the target