Mobile Mapping Systems Market to 2025 The mobile mapping systems market has been segmented by end user industry into healthcare , automobile , transportation & logistics , Government & public sector , video entertainment , real estate , travel & hospitality and construction . Also , mobile mapping systems market has been segmented by user types into individual and enterprises . Based on services , this market is also segmented into Location-based services , Location-based search , 3D Mapping , Indoor Mapping and Licensing Subscription & Support .
In end users segment , Government & public sector market segment and video & entertainment industry segments are the leading market adopters of this technology . While it is significantly being used by government for various applications that include , military applications , traffic monitoring etc ., it is also being dominantly used in the gaming and entertainment industry . Due to the awareness about the importance of inventory management , there has been a marked growth in the adoption of mobile mapping technology by transportation & logistics segment . Additionally , with further advancements in the technology , it is expected that healthcare and real estate segments would also prosper ahead in using this technology .
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