Sometime last year , you received a letter from a lady asking when you were going to feature female test drivers . Back then , MNM said that this was something you were working on and that it would happen soon .
I was eager to this see happen ; for the same reasons that were brought up in that lady ’ s letter ( sorry , I can ’ t recall her name ). Women make up 50 per cent , or more , of the drivers in this country , and yet their views are poorly represented in motoring publications .
Well , months went by and there was still no development on this front from MNM . And then , finally , you ran the Heels & Wheels story in your Issue 2 , with a lady test driver .
You really took your time , but I applaud the effort nonetheless . I sincerely hope that this isn ’ t a one-off event and that you ’ re planning for a regular column by women ( although I ’ m not so sure if “ Heels & Wheels ” is entirely flattering to women ).
For what it is worth , good job . - Celia K . MNM : Finding the right candidate to do the job right took some time , but better late than never , right ? We ’ re happy with Ms Aeria , her column will be a regular feature . And there ’ s more good news on the way as we ’ ve recently added a full-time lady test driver to our team . Look out for her test drives in the next issue .
Wow ! Your tech specialist , Horizon Gitano , really goes into the “ fine ” details of things doesn ’ t he ? I had to read his story on dynamometers about four times before I could grasp the essence of it .
Can I suggest that you use more visuals the next time you run a story from him , it will help with those of us that don ’ t digest wordheavy articles as easily as others .
Overall , I have to say that I find Horizon to be very informative though . But , more “ visual examples ” of what he ’ s talking about , please . - D . Tan MNM : Yes , Prof Horizon ’ s articles target the “ heavy readers ” among us , and he really knows what he ’ s talking about ... that ’ s why there ’ s just so much to say . But you ’ re right ; we should work on producing better visuals . Thanks .
I ’ ve caught a couple of issues of your MNM magazine , and so far I think it ’ s an “ ok ” magazine . If I could point out one area where there is room for improvement , it would the quality of pictures used in some of your stories – especially when you test drive white cars .
Most of these shots need to be toned down a little because it is much too bright and burnt out , which makes it difficult to make out some of the exterior features of the car . This is a pity , because many of the other shots you use are actually quite nice . Just wanted to point that out . - K . Jaabar MNM : After a quick review , we agree with your comment . Thank you for your valued input and we will do our best to rectify the situation .
We ’ d like to apologise to our contributor Alex Foo for unintentionally omitting his byline on his wonderful story on the Heinkel Tourist in our last issue . There was also a typo on the lovely Anne Aeria ’ s byline in the Heels & Wheels column . Sorry guys .
Give us your valued feedback and if your comment is our “ Pick of the month ”, you win an easy RM50 ! Yup , it ’ s as simple as that . Send your comments to mnm @ cbt . com . my
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