MNM Issue 3 vol 3 | Page 35


on the move .
Lamborghini was also keen to point out that their tradition of roadsters dates back to 1968 when they made a special one-off Muira Roadster that still exists today in the hands of a Swiss collector and would possibly be released in exchange for a controlling stake at Lamborghini .
Recently , Lamborghini has invested heavily on its future and it is in Carbon Fibre ( CF ). Its collaboration with Boeing Aerospace has put them in the forefront of CF construction . Unlike the competition , Lamborghini does not farm out their CF production to suppliers and has expanded their factory at Sant ’ Agata to accommodate this .
We were introduced to terms as yet unfamiliar to us in CF parlance ; like forged Composite CF , CF monocoque and Resin Transfer Moulded CF .
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