MNM Issue 3 vol 3 | Page 30



XV revives subaru

the badge may be unfamiliar to some , but the crossover deserves a top spot in your consideration list

By HanS CHEOng

A fter lying dormant for many years , the Subaru brand is experiencing a strong revival of fortune , thanks to the XV crossover .

In Thailand , the sales of the Segambut assembled XV exceeded the company ’ s projections by three times .
Although gaining traction , Subaru is not relaxing as the XV competes in a segment where the Honda CR-V reigns supreme , almost unchallenged .
To convince us of the XV ’ s worth , Subaru ’ s Asia region distributor Motor Image brought us to one of the most challenging locations in the region to drive in – Bali in Indonesia – where the weather , traffic and road conditions are extremely unpredictable and in
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