F or the longest time , women have been branded with the
stigma of being horrible drivers . So much so that if a male driver is a bad driver , he ’ d probably
be labelled a “ lady driver ” too .
Now many of us find this rather unfair ( to say the least ), because in this day and age there are female rally and race drivers , and there are many good lady drivers on our roads too ; some drive even better than the so-called macho men .
Another common misconception about women is that they don ’ t know “ nuts ” about cars . A woman who is capable of changing her own tyres and motor oil is considered to be an amazing anomaly . So do women really know more about cars than people tend |
to think ?
To answer that question , MNM conducted a quick survey with everyday female motorists asking them to define some terms that are very commonly used in motoring articles .
You be the judge .
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