MMRF Accelerator Magazine Winter 2015 Edition | Page 2

letterfrom fromWalter WalterM. M.Capone Capone AAletter DearFriends, Friends, Dear In September of this year, we reached a critical milestone in the landmark MMRF CoMMpass StudySM when the thousandth multiple myeloma patient joined. The ground-breaking project is the largest long-term genomic study ever conducted in myeloma. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to each patient as their continued participation willhelp helpususdecode decodethis thisdevastating devastatingdisease diseaseand andusher usherininaanew newera eraofofmore more will preciseand andindividualized individualizedtreatments, treatments,leading leadingtotocures. cures. precise Aswith withother othersuch suchvisionary, visionary,pioneering pioneeringinitiatives, initiatives,quite quiteaafew fewpeople peopletold told As us
wecould couldnever neverreach reachthis thismilestone. milestone.But Butby byseeking seekingout outthe thebest, best,forward forward us
we thinkingpartners, partners,working workingtogether togethertotoremove removeobstacles, obstacles,and anddelivering delivering thinking newways waysofofaccelerating acceleratingthe theprocess processofofdrug drugdevelopment, development,the theMMRF MMRFhas has new achievedan anunprecedented unprecedentednumber numberofofadvances advancesand andtreatments treatmentsininthe the achieved battleagainst againstmultiple multiplemyeloma. myeloma. battle Therealization realizationofofthis thisambitious ambitiousinitiative initiativewould wouldnever neverhave havebeen beenpossible possible The withoutthe theparticipation participationofofour our1,000 1,000patients, patients,researchers researchersfrom frommore more without than100 100collaborating collaboratingcenters, centers,our ourpharmaceutical pharmaceuticalcompany companyand andresearch research than institutionpartners, partners,and andsupporters supporterslike likeyou youwho whodirectly directlyfund fundour ourefforts. efforts. institution Wehave havearrived arrivedatatPhase Phase11ofofthe theCoMMpass CoMMpassStudy, Study,and andare arenow nowlaunching launching We Phase22totofollow followallallpatients patientsfor foratatleast leastfive fivemore moreyears. years.And Andininparallel, parallel,we we Phase aredriving drivingmore morenew, new,promising promisingdrug drugprograms programsinto intothe theclinic clinicthan thanever everbefore. before. are Pleasehelp helpususcontinue continueour ourefforts effortsby bytaking takingaamoment momenttotofill fillour ourend-of-year end-of-year Please fundraisingenvelope. envelope. fundraising Onbehalf behalfofofallallofofususatatthe theMMRF, MMRF,we wethank thankyou youfor foryour yourcontinuing continuingsupport. support. On Wishingyou youand andyour yourfamily familyaahappy happyyear-end year-endtoto2015 2015and andaahealthy healthyand and Wishing prosperous2016, 2016, prosperous WalterM. M.Capone Capone Walter Presidentand and President ChiefExecutive ExecutiveOfficer, Officer,MMRF MMRF Chief