MMIA Magazine - Million Moms In Action Magazine January/February 2015 | Page 9

of Hollywood. I wasn’t aware of what we would become today. He’s been in the industry 18 years now. I came alongside doing my music and then all of a sudden here comes this TV show. We didn’t go to BET and offer to let them come into our house, they approached us. We work in ministry together, but on the whole I don’t work with him on everything. He has a separate lane and I’m doing what I can do to make mine brighter and bigger too. MMIA: You’re a wife, mom, grandmother, singer, actress, entrepreneur, and so much more; how do you find “me-time” with such a busy schedule. Follow Rebecca Crews @rebeccakcrews REBECCA: That’s a heavy one. I’ve been not quite on the brink of a divorce but I was close. I will say that commitment is a big part of marriage, there is a key to also staying where you said you would stay. Once you choose, I think you shouldn’t just react. You shouldn’t just run from your problems. People today give up on their loved ones without a second thought. I don’t advocate staying in every situation. I see so many people who wish they would have figured out and they go back to their former spouses and say “I was wrong, I should not have let you go”. I think there is always a way. MMIA: Sometimes it’s hard for an established man to accept a woman who is self-sufficient like yourself, when you and Terry began dating years and years ago, how did he react to your independence as a woman? REBECCA: He liked it. He was a little bit shy and he had this demeanor like a Christian boy, he was quiet and insecure, and he was sweet and polite. He was, I think, intimidated by me but not enough that he didn’t propose. He saw me like his sidekick. I won’t say that he didn’t become a little over controlling because he was the breadwinner. REBECCA: I don’t. I haven’t had a massage since I don’t know when. For me, my “me-time” is just my time to be with God. I get up in the morning and talk to God and pray in the middle of the day. I enjoy shopping, I enjoy traveling, and I enjoy spending time with my kids. And it feels like the most rewarding thing I do. I don’t like the analogy that you have to “me-time” all the time. You recharge when you connect to creator and talk to God and get his insight on life. You feel alive and you know the meaning of life. A massage cannot do that for me. I am more energized when I share with my kids. My daughter was here telling me some of her problems and pouring her heart out to me. That makes me feel better to be connected to my kids. That is a healing in and of itself