MMA Publication MFG Tools for Safe & Productive Operations | Page 11

Spread Hope , Not COVID

Our collective and continued vigilance in the fight against COVID-19 is critical to the recovery of our industry and our economy . Wearing masks in public places , social distancing and frequent handwashing are simple but critical to ensure that manufacturers continue to create essential products , deliver solutions and maintain economic stability .
Spread Hope , Not COVID Resources

More Resources

COVID-19 Resources mimfg . org / COVID-19
MMA has collected valuable information to help you and your team . Find official guidance , expanded leave information , methods to develop and deliver Personal Protective Equipment , member-provided resources and more .
Online Learning mimfg . org , search “ webinars ” or “ Coronavirus ”
Log into mimfg . org for on-demand webinars from trusted professionals and state officials with details to keep your company safe , compliant and competitive .
Articles mimfg . org , search “ COVID-19 ” or “ Coronavirus ”
Find member-contributed content on operational issues surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic at mimfg . org .
Share Your Resources and Services
517-487-8530 or mckinley @ mimfg . org
This evolving document will have new resources and guidelines added just as our situation surrounding COVID-19 and a safe and productive workplace evolves .
If you have best practices or services to share , contact MMA ’ s Delaney McKinley at 517-487-8530 or mckinley @ mimfg . org . nxtwall . com • 269-488-2752 • info @ nxtwall . com
NxtWall Demountable Walls provide customizable private offices that are easy to clean and sanitize . NxtWall ’ s dividing walls can compartmentalize work environments to provide social distancing . NxtProtect screens provide a barrier of protection to keep employees and customers safe . NxtWall walls are cost competitive and can be delivered and installed fast .