MLS Jan 2018 Local Attachment MLS local report final | Page 14

2.1.3 Staff Appraisal and Staff Development While the appraisal of teachers in SPED schools do not entail completion of the EPMS form that MOE teachers in mainstream schools are familiar with, our conversation with the Vice-Principal of Fernvale Gardens School helped us understand that the elements of both forms of appraisal are similar. Teachers in SPED schools, instead, would share with the appraisal team a portfolio of students whom their teaching and learning intervention had added value to the child’s mental growth. This approach is aligned with the EPMS focus on “Process, Purpose, Impact”, where our teachers would share observations and evidence of student learning and progress, in terms of both cognitive and character development. Most of the pupils who graduated at 18 years old should be sufficiently prepared and equipped with basic skills to enter the workforce. One of the key staff here would be the Job Coach and a newly created post - Transition Planning coordinator (HOD/YH post) who would look after life after graduations. It has structures that help graduates to ease into working life for the next 2 to 3 years. The work starts at the admission level at 7 years old and will stage is closely monitored and communications with caregivers are done continuously. 13