MLS Jan 2018 Local Attachment MLS local report final | Page 12
2.1.1 e Technology
The school recognises the importance to equip their students in this
digital age. Technology is used to enhance learning and also to prepare
them with skills to integrate into the community.
One salient feature of the classrooms in the school is the use of SMART
interactive whiteboard and touch screen monitors as tools used during
lessons on top of the traditional whiteboard. With the help of the school-
building fund, the SMART board and its features prove to be a valuable
teaching aid as it allows lessons to be fun, interactive and provide a
motivating way for students to be engaged other than the use of
worksheets. Teachers are also able to explore new ways to conduct their
lessons such as designing interesting presentations and using flash games
which help in sustaining the students’ attention span.
Use of SMART interactive
Use of touch screen monitor
2.1.2 Culture Building
With the introduction of retired MOE principals into the MINDS schools,
there were transfers of good school practices from MOE mainstream
schools to SPED schools. There were more assessment tools to boost
literacy, numeracy as well as communication skills. There were
enhancement to CCAs with professional theatrical and music instructors
conducting these lessons. These are some wider exposures and
opportunities for SPED schools’ pupils.