MLP Winter2021_w | Page 5

ANNUAL MEETING ( continued from p . 6 )
Outgoing president , Brian Churchill , mclp , gave an overview of association activities . He thanked his fellow board members , and the management team , for a successful year of growth and change including online learning , a fantastic Fall Field Day , and popular OnSite with MLP facility tours .
Past president , Steve Davis , mclp , ran the elections and welcomed Karen Kerr , mclp as the new president of MLP . Karen presented Brian with a gavel plaque in recognition of his service to the MLP . You can read more of Karen ’ s remarks on page 3 .
Following the elections , Monique Allen , mclp – owner and creative director at The Garden Continuum – gave a lively and thought-provoking presentation on “ Creative Ways to Gain and Retain a Quality Team .”
Many thanks to Maestranzi Brothers and Iron Tree for sponsoring MLP ’ s Annual Meeting . Lucky members ( pictured below ) took home a brand-new chain saw and a string trimmer generously
raffled off by our sponsors . ❖

New Event Coming this Spring

The Massachusetts Arborists Association ( MAA ) recently announced that they are joining forces with ArborEXPO in 2022 .
ArborEXPO is the tree care industry ’ s newest educational conference and exposition . The second annual ArborEXPO ’ 22 will take place Thursday and Friday , March 31 – April 1 , 2022 , with special pre-conference sessions on Wednesday , March 30 , 2022 , at the Eastern States Exposition Center ( The Big E ) in Springfield , Massachusetts .
Thanks Brian !
Karen Kerr , mclp presents outgoing president Brian Churchill , mclp , with a gavel plaque in recognition of his service to the association in 2021 .
ArborEXPO ’ 22 will feature an indoor / outdoor tradeshow floor , educational seminars led by top industry experts , live demonstrations , hands-on product and equipment testing , and a new career fair for students to explore opportunities in the green industry .
For the latest information about attending , exhibiting , and the student career fair , visit ArborEXPO . org , and follow ArborEXPO on Instagram , Twitter and LinkedIn .
MLP Newsline | Winter 2021 5