MLP Summer 2022_w | Page 7

Keeping Workers Safe in the Heat
OSHA ’ s Heat Illness Prevention campaign educates employers and workers on the dangers of working in the heat . Through training sessions , outreach events , informational sessions , publications , social media messaging and media appearances , millions of workers and employers have learned how to protect workers from heat . Our safety message comes down to three key words : Water . Rest . Shade .
Dangers of Working in the Heat Every year , dozens of workers die and thousands more become ill while working in extreme heat or humid conditions . There are a range of heat illnesses , and they can affect anyone , regardless of age or physical condition .
Employer Responsibility to Protect Workers Under OSHA law , employers are responsible for providing workplaces free of known safety hazards . This includes protecting workers from extreme heat . An employer with workers exposed to high temperatures should establish a complete heat illness prevention program .

Provide workers with water , rest , and shade . Allow new or returning workers to gradually increase workloads and take more frequent breaks as they acclimatize or build a tolerance for working in the heat .

Plan for emergencies and train workers on prevention . Monitor workers for signs of illness .
Resources OSHA ’ s Occupational Exposure to Heat page explains what employers can do to keep workers safe and what workers need to know - including factors for heat illness , adapting to working in indoor and outdoor heat , protecting workers , recognizing symptoms , and first aid training . The page also includes resources for specific industries and OSHA workplace standards . Also look for heat illness educational and training materials on OSHA ’ s Publications page .
MLP ’ s Management Team , past and present , celebrated 30 years in business in June . Front ( l-r ) Peggy Benjamin , Virginia Wood , Diane Zinck , Jen McPhee . Back ( l-r ) Charissa Sharkey , Kristen Dreyer , Carrie Martin .
Three Things to know about Van Berkum Nursery
1 ) We are passionate about what we grow , from New England Woodlanders to Wicked Ruggeds . 2 ) We specialize in healthy NH grown perennials , personal service , and extensive plant knowledge . 3 ) We have friends in low places . ( ribbit ).
Stay Connected ! Join MLP ’ s growing professional community on social media .
@ MassLandscapeProfessionals @ Mass _ Landscape _ Professionals
Van Berkum Nursery • 4 James Road Deerfield , NH 03037 ( 603 ) 463-7663 Fax 7326 • salesdesk @ vanberkumnursery . com www . vanberkumnursery . com
MLP Newsline | Summer 2022 7