Stay Up-to-Date with MDAR
MLP stays connected with the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources ( MDAR ) on a number of fronts including regular conferences call with the Commissioner and other stakeholders , through our involvement with the GIA , and as an invited member of an ad hoc advisory group of educational providers to the Pesticide Program — the department that oversees pesticide applicator licensing .
Recently , there have been changes made to MDAR ’ s Pesticide Program and policies . We encourage you to stay up-to-date and informed .
Online Exams In November , MDAR announced that pesticide exams have moved online . This format allows applicants to take the exam any day of the week , giving industry members more flexibility than in-person or paper and pencil exams . Strict procedures , protocols and security measures have been put in place to maintain the integrity of the exam . Exam registration and payment takes place online with MDAR via the EEA ePLACE Portal , and again with Everblue the company that hosts the online exam . Specific equipment ( e . g . a laptop or desktop computer with a camera ) is required , along with viewing a tutorial prior to taking the exam .
MLP 5-Step Recommendations
As a trusted educational provider , MLP works closely with MDAR to secure and offer PACE credit opportunities for our members . In light of the new requirements for pesticide credit tracking , we recommend the following :
1 When you sign up for a webinar , use your own unique email address and be sure to provide your license number .
2 Use that same email address when you login to watch a webinar . If you need credit , don ’ t watch as a group , because the only person who will get credit is the person who logged in .
3 Be sure to take ( and pass ) the post-webinar quiz by the deadline date .
4 When you receive a CEU Proof of Attendance via email from MLP . Be sure to upload it immediately to your EEA ePLACE Portal at MDAR .
5 Keep a copy of the CEU Proof of Attendance as backup .
If you have questions , contact the MLP office at : info @ MLP-MCLP . org or ( 508 ) 653-3373
Electronic Recertification & Audits The department is launching a new process for collecting training certificates . Development is underway to change the EEA ePLACE Portal such that credits must be submitted and uploaded into your EEA ePLACE Portal Account when you renew your Pesticide License . Anyone whose three-year recertification cycle ended on July 1 , 2020 will be required to upload their credits into the system . In essence , the new process will mean that everyone is audited or required to provide their credits electronically every three-years — no exceptions . It is important to note that the Department does not maintain contact hour certificates for applicators . It is your responsibility to maintain these records and make electronic copies to upload into your EEA ePLACE Portal account .
This information has been excerpted from the MDAR Pesticide Program website . Specific details can be found at https :// www . mass . gov / pesticide-examinationand-licensing . ❖
This information has been excerpted from the MDAR Pesticide Program website . Specific details can be found at : https :// www . mass . gov / pesticide-examination-and-licensing
MLP Newsline | March 2021 7