News from NALP
Industry Growth Initiative The big picture . That ’ s what NALP ’ s Industry Growth Initiative ( IGI ) is all about . MLP is proud to support this important program designed to propel our industry forward by promoting professionalism ; educating customers about the economic , environmental and social value of professionally managed landscapes ; and attracting all types of workers to our industry including front line labor . IGI is engaged in national digital and content marketing as well as media relations campaigns and stakeholder outreach to get the message out to consumers and job seekers .
Student Competition NALP ’ s National Collegiate Landscape Competition ( NCLC ) will take place virtually March 15-19 , 2021 . For more than 40 years , the event has showcased the skills of college and university landscape and horticulture students in the United States and Canada , bringing them together with companies that are actively recruiting future employees , and this year is no different .
With 20 “ challenge ” events , 17 educational workshops , the Career Fair , and career development opportunities , COVID-19 travel restrictions haven ’ t limited the ability of NCLC to help students ’ showcase their skills and connect with landscape and lawn care companies . During NCLC 2021 , more than twothirds of the regular annual competitive events have been adapted to online versions called “ challenges ,” in which students will receive individual scores .
Network Connections NALP provides another great opportunity to connect with and learn from your peers .
Women in landscape Network champions female representation and advancement in the landscape industry .
facebook . com / groups / womeninlandscape
Young professionals Network acknowledges the unique interests of the young professional ( under 40 ).
facebook . com / groups / NALPYP
latino landscape Network connects Latino landscape professionals across the country with training , resources and networking opportunities .
facebook . com / groups / latinolandscapenetwork
For more information contact NALP at : landscapeprofessionals . org • 800-395-2522
UMass Campaign to Improve Soil Testing Lab
The UMass Extension Soil and Plant Nutrient Testing Laboratory provides unbiased and independent testing of agricultural and horticultural soil and tissue samples . Each year , the Lab runs more than 30,000 tests for nearly 5,000 clients across the Commonwealth . These analyses provide farmers and green industry professionals with critical information and recommendations that help them achieve economic and environmental goals and to maintain regulatory compliance .
The Lab is currently funded solely by customer fees and a number of small gifts , and is ineligible for federal funding . It is in need of financial support to strengthen and modernize its operations .
NEEDS INCLUDE : As part of a $ 200,000 campaign goal , UMass
● cN analyzer to replace a 17-year-old instrument , saving on operating costs and offering budget to these improvements , establishing
Extension will commit $ 45,000 from its modest new diagnostics , including soil health measures . fees for future equipment replacement
financial policies that set aside a portion of lab
● Icp spectrometer to replace an aging workhorse that provides nutrient and metals They are seeking support from industry groups , analyses but has very high maintenance and foundations , individuals and businesses to raise repair costs . the remainder . ❖
● System upgrades to improve customer experience and increase efficiency .
To help , please contact : Clem Clay , Ext . Agriculture Program Director 413-545-5021 ❖ cclay @ umext . umass . edu
MLP Newsline | March 2021 13