MLP Fall 2022_w | Página 7

Be Tick Aware This Fall MLP October 2022 Webinar by Larry Dapsis , Cape Cod Cooperative Extension Entomologist & Deer Tick Project Coordination
Regulatory Challenges for the Landscape Industry

Be Tick Aware This Fall MLP October 2022 Webinar by Larry Dapsis , Cape Cod Cooperative Extension Entomologist & Deer Tick Project Coordination

September marks the time when we are entering the next phase of tick season ; this is when adult stage deer ticks emerge . This typically begins in mid-September but is well underway by mid-October . In our surveillance research on Cape Cod , we found that about 50 % of them pack the bacteria that causes Lyme disease .
And it ’ s not just about Lyme disease anymore . Other significant diseases deer ticks can carry are babesiosis , anaplasmosis , relapsing fever and Powassan virus . We also see a certain level of co-infection where ticks are carrying more than one pathogen .
A personal protection plan is very straightforward . When you are in tick habitat , which could be in the woods or at the edge of your backyard , wearing light-colored long pants , which make ticks easier to spot , and shoes vs . sandals is a start . When you come back indoors , be sure to do a tick check of your body and throw the clothes in the dryer for 20 minutes to kill any ticks you may have missed .
Repellents are also important … skin repellents like DEET or picaridin are effective . Avoid “ all natural ” products , as there is no testing that shows they are safe or effective . From my standpoint , the most effective tool in the box is permethrin treated clothing and footwear . It not only repels but actually kills the ticks . You can find this product at garden centers and sporting goods stores . Use the link below for a video on the ins and outs of using permethrin .
A webinar , “ The Latest on Ticks and Mosquitoes ”, is available through MLP through December 31 . It qualifies for 2 MCLP safety credits . Visit mlp-mclp . org for details .
For additional resources , including the Cape Cod Cooperative Extensions ’ ten-part recorded video series on ticks and tick safety , go to : https :// www . capecod . gov / departments / cooperative-extension / programs / ticks
Enjoy the fall weather , be tick aware , and stay tick safe .
Available On-Demand October 1 – 31 , 2022

Regulatory Challenges for the Landscape Industry

The issues that bubble up in your own backyard often have the biggest impact on your landscape business . Whether it ’ s a backpack blower or pesticide ban at the Town Meeting level or water restrictions imposed by the state , Bob Mann and his team at NALP monitor the important issues that have the potential to impact your ability to do business .
Join us for an overview of the current state of regulatory changes in Massachusetts , specifically covering the reclassification of the neonicotinoid insecticides as restricted use pesticides , standards for supervision of non-certified applicators , standards for RUP use , including record-keeping .
Bob will also cover updates on EPA activities , including the re-registration status of several pesticides used in the landscape industry and the recent emphasis on complying with the Endangered Species Act .
Approved for MDAR and MCLP Credit
Bob Mann , NALP ’ s Senior Director of Technical & Regulatory Affairs
Sponsored by :
Atlanticgolftandturf . com
Beacon Award Deadline Extended
MLP members are encouraged to nominate colleagues for Beacon Award consideration . Please write a letter to the MLP board of directors with the name of your nominee and include the reasons why you believe they should receive the Beacon Award with the award ’ s purpose and title taken into consideration .
Be specific , cite examples , include details and , if possible , ask for letters of support from other MLP members . The deadline for nominations has been extended to November 10 , 2022 .
Nomination letters may be sent via regular mail or e-mail to :
Beacon Award MLP Board of Directors • 67 West Street • Medfield , MA 02052 info @ mlp-mclp . org (“ Beacon Award ” in Subject Line please )
MLP Newsline | Fall 2022 7